I just wanted to let you know that I just finished my first free marketing course for authors. Looking for a marketing course for authors? Are you a new author? Are you having a hard time finding the time to market your book? Does the marketing part of selling your book feel overwhelming?

Introducing a beginners free marketing course for new authors. It spans over 24 days (1 every other day) covering a wide variety of topics including how to create a marketing plan, strategies, goals, social media and more.

I’ve been hearing from a lot of you and you’ve been sharing that you get tired and frustrated with marketing your book. You have shared that you don’t have time to market your book or you just want to write and not worry about marketing.  I believe if you can add 30 minutes into your schedule to market your book that you can increase your sales revenue.


marketing course for authors

After this marketing course you will be able to start marketing your book successfully online.

No Risk! 100% Free

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